Sunflowers and nasturtium.
Transplanted: yarrow, feverfew, motherwort, mullein, evening primrose, bergamot, wormwood, valerian, saltwort, salad burnet, joe pye, skullcap, arnica, woad, horehound, marshmallow.
Raspberries, black raspberries, lettuce, carrots, zucchini, squash, onions, garlic, shallots, broccoli, kohlrabi, beets, dill, oregano, basil, rosemary, chives, eggs, milk and our first potatoes—yay!
7 half pints black raspberry jam, 20 half pints raspberry jam, 7.5 lbs butter.
Well, not really "storing" per se, but we did have two goatie babies born on the farm this week, and we lucked out with little girls, which means more dairy animals on the farm. They'll be keepers, so it's kinda like storing. Yeah, it's a stretch, but I got to include gratuitous baby farm animal photos.
Jim made more bullets for hunting, built a more solid backboard for target shooting, and sighted in his deer rifle.
Harvested garlic and put it up to cure before braiding. I'll likely replant most of it this fall, as I'm trying to build up my seed stock this year. Garlic is sooo expensive to buy.
Raspberry jam. I made the black raspberry last year, but this was my first time making the red raspberry.
CSA delivery to 10 families: lettuces, kohlrabi, carrots, onions, beets, dill, chives, eggs.
Finally purchased hair care and toiletries from local, organic company Terressentials after using up all the various little bottles of stuff around the house.
Continue to compost, reuse plastic containers, reduce electricity usage, use reusable shopping bags, reduce driving, reduce reliance on grocery stores, harvest rainwater, etc.
Researched more on grains, pressure canners, and local coffee roasters.
I like the way you break your list down. I see your hubby is getting ready for deer season, when does it start in your area? John usually get 2 deer, one with a bow and one with a riffle and we are just at the end of our meat supply. I think this year I'll put in a little more effort in hopes to get one, we really could use the extra meat in the freezer. ~Kim
Sorry I posted under our group exercise blogs username...oops!
Wow, Danielle, you are such an inspiration! What are you going to do with all those herbs?
Everytime I see pictures of your goats, it reminds me I need to get going on getting mine! So cute.
Thanks for the comments!
Kim, last year was Jim's first year of hunting. He didn't get a license and so was confined to hunting on our property. He was disappointed that he didn't get anything, so I imagine this year he will apply for the permit and head out somewhere. He still may not get anything, but...
Lewru, the herbs are for natural remedies for both humans and animals. Depending how the garden grows, I may end up offering a "traditional herb" CSA share, but that's probably another year off or so.
I just found blog and it seems great. I noticed you are looking for air tight storage bins for your larder - any luck in finding these? I too would like some but have only found plastic in all sizes and shapes and stainless food prep containers (not air tight).
I would like stainless, airtight. Or great quality plastic.
i wanted to let you know (sorry to be so slow with this) about an 11 week course in Sustainable Agriculture that is happening at 'Kayam Farm at Pearlstone'(somewhere near Baltimore) this summer.
The course started back in June, but these are the sessions left...
Soils, Composting, & Amendments; Diagnosing Problems in Your Field; Insects on the Farm; Growing & Processing Small Grain (this is the session i thought you'd be most interested in, it happens on Monday, Aug. 4th); Plant Diseases; Marketing Local Produce; Growing & Processing Herbs.
The course is a result of a *partnership* between Kayam Farm (; email address and the Maryland Master Gardeners of Baltimore county.
FYI, several of the sessions are being *taught* by specialists from the UMd/Extension Ag department.
---hope to see you soon, linda :)
Congratulations on your award! I just came over from Kim's and wanted to say that I second the motion -- your blog rocks!
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