The kids and I went to look at a jersey cow today, and I really, really like her! As you can see, she's listening intently to what we're doing, unsure why we're there and she's separate from all her cohorts.

This is Lavish. She's 60 days in milk, as a first freshener. She was also AI-ed today, and they're willing to keep her through another cycle to try to be sure it took. Not necessarily fantastic timing for a calf, but still pretty great to not have to worry about having her bred for another year. She had no calving problems, and they still have her calf, whom their daughter will be showing this year for 4-H cloverbuds.

She's halter trained and milking machine trained—has never been hand milked since she comes from a dairy with about 300+ head. Until today, that is.
She not only let me milk her, but also each of the kids, one of them multiple times since he couldn't leave her alone.
(rolling eyes and shaking head at my over-zealous boy who also somehow managed to shimmy under the electric fence while we were there without getting shocked) All the kids really liked her and want to bring her home. So does their mama.
Look at that face, shmutzy nose and all:

UPDATE: 4/24/08
Okay, I'm obsessing a bit. I know... shocker to those who know me. But anyway, I took the plunge and sent in the deposit today, so pending a negative Johnes test, Lavish will be coming home to live with us at the end of May. Yikes, now I have to get ready!
Oh, she is so beautiful! So what are you thinking? Are you going to go for it? Will she be lonely without another cow around?
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!She is a beauty! Gotta love those Jerseys!!!
Ah ha ha.... Jim's never going to invite me back!
She looks great!
Pretty? She's gorgeous! Ah, how can you resist a girl who lets your kids milk her! (Just think how easy that would be...) Well, keep us posted so we can live vicariously.
Do it, do it, do it!! (Says the farmer's wife who could never commit to one herself). I think she is the most beautiful cow I have ever seen.
How wonderful! Letting the children milk her makes it even more irresistible!
Do it!
Oh oh! She's so pretty and sweet looking. That's so awesome the kids were able to milk her. Although I don't know much about cows that seems like a bonus!
What a gorgeous girl!
Thanks to all for your comments and a special thanks to those of you who lent your expertise and helped me come to a decision!
I took the plunge and sent in a deposit today. After much consideration and research and asking a whole bunch of questions, I made the big decision to welcome a milk cow into our family. And I have to say that it feels like such a relief, like we'll finally be complete here at the farm.
I know she'll be such an integral part of our lives and will go towards sustaining so many creatures here. She has a big job to do, and I just hope she and I will be able to pull it off! My guess is that by this time next year I won't be able to imagine life without a milk cow.
Congratulations - she's beautiful! Who can resist those Jersey eyes?
It's fantastic that she's coming bred. So nice not to have to worry about that.
I gave you an award.
absolutely gorgeous. you are in for so much fun and fulfillment.
Jerseys are the most beautiful cow ever. I love 'em.
Congratulations!! That is truly exciting.
Oh, and I tried to email you but not sure if my emails are getting through. Let me know.
I invited myself over on our way to the NE Unschooling conference. Can we come sample some of that milk? Can Jim handle us for a night?:)
Wow! Congratulations. How exciting. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Hey Ren,
As long as you don't talk her into buying any more farm animals I'm sure Jim would be fine!
Wow, nothing like a milk cow to bring out the comments! *grin* Jim thanks you all for egging me on.
Sarah, yes, I'm incredibly pleased that she's not only in milk but also very likely bred back. The folks I'm buying her from have been so kind and accommodating—totally willing to keep her through another cycle and AI her again if it didn't take and willing to take her back to breed in future years if I want.
Karl, thanks for the well wishes. Hopefully you and Tabitha can be a source of info and help!
Ren, you're absolutely welcome to stop. I'm not sure we'll have her by the time you arrive, but we'd love to see you guys nonetheless. Should have the bees by then, definitely.
Jenny, I figure Chris made out pretty well on the deal—he just ended up with geese. Poor Jim got a big ol' expensive cow. lol
Oh, she's beautiful and Lavish! - perfect name for her. It's pictures like this that make me long to move from town, give up my cowshares and get my own Jersey.
I've recently discovered your blog(s) - can't remember how - and I'm really enjoying.
The yogurt I get at the farmers market, St. Benoit's, is made with milk from Jersey cows. I always think of their pretty faces when eating it. Congratulations.
Jerseys are the cutest looking cows I have ever seen. I think it's their eyes and hornlessness...
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