A zero mile meal but for the...
-vinaigrette made from scratch here with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, dijon mustard, cayenne pepper and sea salt;
-the risotto, made with zero mile chicken stock;
-and the goat cheese, she admitted sheepishly or goatishly as the case may be, because I didn't have any made this week, so we dipped into Julia's stash.
Wow! Zero miles, and very gourmand! I will never keep up, and my piddling little attempts are just embarrassing ;).
Sounds very yummy :).
Cool....back to the wonderful food posts. I'm gonna get soooo fat reading this.
I'm a new reader and just wanted to let you know how much I'm enjoying your blog. I'm still in the process of reading the archives and catching up, and every bit of it is fascinating.
Thank you all!
Wendy, that's exactly why I hemmed and hawed with the One Local Summer challenge. Please don't feel like it's a competition—more like a mutual inspiration and broadening of repertoires. Trust me, you'll start to see lots of repetition in our meals, especially my pasta, which I call "Variation on a Theme" because it's all basically the same dish. I'm looking forward to reading what others are cooking up and getting some new ideas!
Woody, I don't think that's quite fair, considering I'm on this end actually eating the stuff, and I'll have much work to do come spring! Thankfully the farm work out seems to do the trick.
Annette, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm pleased to hear you've found something of interest here!
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